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Tournament Details

Date: Saturday 25th January 2025

Time: 10.00 to 18.30 

Location: West Calder Bowling Club, Harburn Road, West Calder, EH55 8AH

Ruleset: Blood Bowl 2020 (Stunty Only)

TO: Chris Rafferty (ChrisRaff88)

Price: £8

Lunch: Not Included

Participation Gift: 2 DG

Tournament Rules

At its core the tournament rules will follow current NAF guidelines for all NAF tournaments. Any changes made to these guidelines between now and two months prior to the date of the tournament will be incorporated into the tournament rules and notifications will be added to the Tiny Titans Facebook Event page and website . Any changes made after two months before the tournament date will not be in effect within this tournament.

The tournament is a resurrection style tournament. This means that all rosters will be reset after each round. Your players will not gain any SPP throughout the matches, no casualties will continue into the next match and you will earn no additional income after matches.

Tiny Titans is also a Stunty tournament. This means that only stunty teams and certain modifed versions of other teams will be eligible for participation in the event. Please see the list below in the roster creation section of this page for more details. 

How to Sign Up to Tiny Titans 2025

Tickets go on sale on Sunday 21st July 2024!

To sign up to Tiny Titans you must send your £8 ticket price to the Mulligan's Open PayPal account.

Payments should be made by PayPal via a friends and family (gift) payment please to the following address:

When sending the payment please provide the following details in the payment note:

  • NAF name
  • NAF number
  • Contact email (to be used if any issues with rosters etc. emerge)

Unfortunately refunds cannot be offered in the 2 months proceeding the tournament due to the financial planning involved in running a large event of this kind.

Full Rules Pack

Find the full rules pack for Tiny Titans Tournament below.

Eligible Teams

The following teams are eligible to participate within the Tiny Titans Tournament:

  • Black Goblins (Black Orc Team without Black Orcs)

  • Gnomes

  • Goblins

  • Halflings

  • Ogres

  • Skinks (Lizardman Team without Saurus)

  • Snotlings

  • Undergobs (Underworld without Skaven positionals. Rat Ogre is permitted).

Roster Creation

All teams will be given a gold value of 1100k with which to create an initial roster. Star players are permitted and you may include these within your roster, however you must first have a roster of 11 standard players (non stars).

You may also spend a portion of your roster gold on inducements. More information on which inducements are permitted can be found in the inducement section.

No gold crowns are awarded to either team during the pre-match sequence. No leftover gold crowns may be spent on Inducements during the pre-match sequence. No gold crowns left over from the roster allowance can be used for skills.

All teams will be given the same skill allowance below:

  • 5 primary skills

  • 2 scondary skills (may select a primary skill instead of a secondary skill)

The following restrictions are in place:

  • No random skills may be taken

  • No stat increases may be taken

  • No skill stacking (each player may only be given one additional skill)

  • Star players may not be given an additional skill

  • Players with S3+ may not be given a secondary skill


Permitted inducements are as follows:
● 0 - 2 Bloodweiser Kegs
● 0 - 3 Bribes
● 0 - 2 Wandering Apothecaries
● 0 - 1 Riotous Rookies
● 0 - 1 Biased Referee
● 0 - 1 Halfling Master Chef

Star Players

What star players are permitted? Good question! Most star players that may normally play for a stunty race are permitted within the tournament. If two coaches are drawn against each other with the same Star on their rosters, both players are permitted to use them. You must also have 11 rostered players first, before adding a star player to your roster.

There is a maximum of two Star Player’s that may be rostered per team.

Some star players believe they are too good and have more important things to do than play in the Tiny Titan tournament. Therefore they have made themselves ineligible for selection. These star players can be found below.

  • Estelle La Venneaux

  • Griff Oberwald

  • Hakflem Skuttlespike

  • Karla Von Kill

  • Skitter Stab-Stab

  • Varag Ghoul-Chewer

Some star players have been adjusted to ensure fair inclusion within the Tiny Titan Tournament. These changes can be found below:


Morg n Thorg and Deeproot Strongbranch will both be eligible at their current value. However they will both have their mighty blow value reduced from +2 to +1.

Cindy Pie Whistle and Bomber Dribblesnot will both both be eligible, however their value will be increased from 50k to 100k

Sign Up List

  1. Gizmo3k

  2. Actually_zod

  3. CapnRedbeard

  4. TheBunneh

  5. Willpower

  6. Greenbayhackers

  7. Mortal_Wombat

  8. Vanguard

  9. Batusiagogo

  10. FraserP33

  11. Gerdleah

  12. Phil78

  13. Amsfeld

  14. DionysisA18

  15. Freefenrir

  16. PeterStewart157

  17. Thundrick

  18. L0rdgibby

  19. Malcav

  20. FairieQueenofAlbion

  21. Gquail

  22. Aldopagus

  23. Boobootroid

  24. Nitramuss

  25. Fleetmacwood

  26. JDempo

  27. Valen

  28. Fergazoid

  29. Bolter

  30. BocanBanrigh

  31. Batch001

  32. StripeyDave

  33. DavidSAW

  34. HotDiceHarrison

  35. Michael Hughes

  36. DoogleW

  37. Veldora

  38. Daemonfeuerkev

  39. Jason Baker

  40. ChrisRaff88


If you have any questions regarding the event, please feel free to reach out at our email shown to the right.

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